A nasal tumour is an uncontrolled growth of cells on the nose or in the nasal cavity. The majority of nasal tumours in dogs are malignant and locally invasive, but do not usually spread to other organs.
Nasal tumours can be an external squamous cell carcinoma or intranasal adenocarcinoma. Intranasal tumour signs can mimic a foreign body in the nose, fungal or bacterial infections, chronic rhinitis, tooth root abscess, or blood clotting disorders.
The first step in nasal tumour management in dogs is addressing pain and any underlying infection. The preferred treatment is radiation therapy, but chemotherapy may be considered.
Cryotherapy or surgery can be used for an external squamous cell carcinoma. Dogs with nasal tumours need regular veterinary visits to monitor their status and prognosis.
Discussing a personalised management plan with your veterinarian and a veterinary oncologist is important for the best outcome for your dog.
The prognosis depends on the tumour type and how early the cancer was detected. Without treatment, the median survival time for dogs with a nasal tumour ranges from three to five months.
Complete squamous cell carcinoma excision can be curative. Radiation therapy can extend the median survival time to between 6 to 18 months.
Immediately contact your vet if your dog has uncontrollable bleeding, excessive sneezing, or difficulty breathing; appears disoriented; collapses, or vocalises in pain.
It is vital to begin end-of-life care discussions before your dog‘s condition becomes unmanageable or they begin losing their quality of life.
Don’t wait until the very end. It’s important to consider your pet’s end-of-life journey early, so that you, your family and your pet are all supported through the process.
When the time comes, we’re here for you. Goodbye Good Boy provides a range of end-of-life services to make the difficult process of saying goodbye a little easier.
We offer quality of life assessments from qualified vets, specialist grief counselling, at home euthanasia from dedicated end of life veterinarians, as well as cremation services and memorial options to help remember your pet for their unique character.
We are with you at every step of the journey.
To find out more, you can call our team of passionate pet lovers on 1800 953 619.
This article was reproduced with permission from Goodbye Good Boy advisor Dr Dani McVety, of Lap Of Love.